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The holidays are nearly here!

All hands on deck in preparation for the busy holiday season!

Filled with the peaceful purrs of our furry boarders, we're ready to assist in making your trip stress-free for you & your feline friends.

But first, some important dates to remember: Our vacations for 2024: 1/6-1/21/24 (Recharging our batteries from the holiday rush) & 10/4-10/10/24 (for some after summer, our busiest season, R&R). While we’re generally closed during our vacations, we will still have a skeleton staff here & offer exceptions to those who have 20+ days of continual boarding during this period.

Holiday Cash discount: through 1.11.24 we are re-enacting the discount for cash payments (10%).

Impress your family with these amazing cat facts this holiday:
Super Jumpers: Cats can leap up to six times their length - that's like jumping from the bottom to the top of a Christmas tree! They can even do it from a standing start, no running required. (Try not to leave your ornaments too tempting for frisky kitties).
Creme Puff: (August 3, 1967 – August 6, 2005) was a mixed tabby, owned by Jake Perry of Austin, Texas. She was the oldest cat ever recorded, according to the Guiness World Records. She passed at age 38 and 3 days. We strive to provide your cat with the best level of care to ensure their long and healthy life when boarding.
Chatty cats: While dogs only have around 10 vocalizations, cats boast over 100! That's enough to complain about their food, beg for treats, and talk to the birds at the feeder all in one afternoon.
Hemingway's legacy: Some cats have extra toes, called polydactylism. These "Hemingway cats" are named after author Ernest Hemingway, who had several himself. Can you imagine trying to fit all those extra toes into tiny heels?Healing purrs: A cat's purr has a frequency of 25-150 Hertz, which is known to promote healing and reduce stress. Sopress your ear against your cat when he’s laying down (if he allows it, haha) & listen to the soothing melody.

May your days be merry and bright, and your Cats always happy and healthy!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Captain Kitt's Cat Boarding!

Don't forget to follow us on social media for more cat-tastic content!

Instagram: @Captain_Kitts Facebook: Captain Kitt's Cat Boarding CT

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